@ a big blow to/ being doctored/suspect/doubt ●LosingthecapitalAnbarwascertainlya bigblowtothe Iraqigovernment. 重大打擊。 A is a big blow to B. A這件事情的發生對B是重大的打擊。 ● Publicityphotosofthateventwerelater suspectedofbeingdoctored. 被竄改。 A was doctored. A被竄改了。 ● Publicityphotosofthateventwerelater suspectedofbeingdoctored. 懷疑被竄改。 I suspect that he did it. = I think he did it. 我懷疑他確實"做了這件事"。 I doubt that he did it.= I don't think he did it 我懷疑真的是"他"做了這件事? suspect 與 doubt皆有懷疑的意思,但suspect 傾向於相信自己的想法。 而doubt則是對於自己的想法有所遲疑。
The display features plugin for GATC can be used to enable Advertising Features in Google Analytics, such as Demographics or customer profile and Interest Reporting, and more. Basically, there are 5 topics in GA, 1. Real time 2. Audience 3. Acquisition 4. Behavior 5. Conversion This article is about "Audience"