@ are disputed/ the equivalent of/ be confident that/ used to be / be used to be/ ruptured ●Thesewatersaredisputed. Differentcountriesclaimthey shouldcontrolthem. 被具爭議性的 The death penalty is a disputed and controversial topic. ●Chinahasexpandedtheseislandsby 2,000 acres, theequivalentof 1,500 footballfieldsandcounting. 等同於 A, the equivalent of XXX B A等同於XXX個B ●I`mhighlyconfidenttheycamefromashoreonthisfacilityhere. 我很確定 I'm confident that XXX 我很確定XXX這件事情 ●Whatusedtobethefierycrossreefnowhasearlywarningradarand airporttower,and a runwaylongenoughtohandleeveryaircraftintheChinese military. 過去曾經是 A used to be a park. A過去是公園 I used to be late. 我過去會遲到 I’m used to be alone. 我習慣一個人了 used to 表示過去的狀態,be used to 表示習慣。